Title: 14
Medium: Madrone Root Burr/ Sycamore/ Gold Leaf
Size: 370 x 370 x 30mm
Date: 2022
Title: 14
Medium: Madrone Root Burr/ Sycamore/ Gold Leaf
Size: 370 x 370 x 30mm
Date: 2022
Title: 14
Medium: Madrone Root Burr/ Sycamore/ Gold Leaf
Size: 370 x 370 x 30mm
Date: 2022
14 is a Letter-cut carved composition on a solid Sycamore base veneered with highly figured Madrone Root burr and Gilded with 24k Gold Leaf
The circular calligrahy composition depicts a repetition of the Arabic letter “wa” which is literally used as a divider of words or particle of connection.
In Quranic Arabic each letter, word and phrase is a manifestation of the Divine and as such have many layers of subtle meaning.