Vase 2
Title: Vase 2 (al Latif, al Kabir)
Medium: Ebonised Ash & Gold Leaf
Size: 330 x 160mm
Date: 2021
Title: Vase 2 (al Latif, al Kabir)
Medium: Ebonised Ash & Gold Leaf
Size: 330 x 160mm
Date: 2021
Title: Vase 2 (al Latif, al Kabir)
Medium: Ebonised Ash & Gold Leaf
Size: 330 x 160mm
Date: 2021
Vase 2 is a Turned and Ebonised hollow form, Letter-cut carved with a circular composition of Quran 6:103 and Gilded in 24k Gold Leaf
Translation: no vision can grasp Him but His grasp is over all vision. He is above all comprehension (al Latif) yet is acquainted with all things (al Kabir).