Al Hadid
Title: Al Hadid
Medium: Yew
Size: 420 x 40mm
Date: 2020
Title: Al Hadid
Medium: Yew
Size: 420 x 40mm
Date: 2020
Title: Al Hadid
Medium: Yew
Size: 420 x 40mm
Date: 2020
Al Hadid (The Iron) is a Turned and Relief Carved Platter/ Wall Charger in Scottish Yew wood with a circular calligraphy composition of Quran 57:4/5
Translation: It is He who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne, He knows what penetrates into the earth and what emerges from it and what descends from the heaven and what ascends therein, and He is with you wherever you are, And Allah is all Seeing. His is the dominion of the heavens and earth. And to Allah are returned [all] matters