Title: Talbiyah
Medium: Olive Ash/ Ebonised Ash & Gold Leaf
Size: 490 x 35mm
Title: Talbiyah
Medium: Olive Ash/ Ebonised Ash & Gold Leaf
Size: 490 x 35mm
Title: Talbiyah
Medium: Olive Ash/ Ebonised Ash & Gold Leaf
Size: 490 x 35mm
Talbiyah is a Turned Platter Ebonised and Letter-cut carved in a Cursive Kufic style calligraphy script of the beginning of the Talbiyah, “labbaik allahumma labbaik”
Translation: The Talbiyah is a devotional prayer uttered by pilgrims during Hajj “I am here at your service, O Allah, I am here at your service”